Despite some snags, the meeting started on time, at exactly 7PM. And it was a night of FIRSTs. First time hosts, participants and the launch of a new program.
TM of the Evening was a BNT newbie, TM Judith Jarabelo. Judith joined BNT only last May, and after joining, delivered her Icebreaker speech the very next meeting! And now, she has taken on the challenge of being TM of the Evening! Way to go, Judith!
The Table Topics session was ably lead by another newbie, Jun Roy. Jun is a Training Manager of Pru Life UK, and his confidence on stage can be credited to his training background. Theme for the meeting was “Make it Happen : Choices” and Jun’s topics were in line with the theme.
Table Topics participants were the following:
Ferdie Bondoy
Judith Jarabelo, TM
Elinor Bulauitan, TM
Ed Ebreo, ACB
The first question Jun offered was “What is the essence of man?”, culled in true Ms. Universe fashion. Hehehe… ;-> Ferdie Bondoy, a soon-to-be RENEWING member of BNT, answered. Ferdie’s reply was without gender bias, and instead he answered that instead of focusing on what makes the genders different, and asking what is the “essence of man”, everyone should strive to be better people, to be more human/e and thus imbibe the “essence of a person”.
Judith took on the question, “Given a choice between Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, what would you choose and why”. Judith chose Lord of the Rings and shared that her favorite character was Frodo.
Next topic was answered by Elinor. In reply to the question, “If you’re stranded on a deserted island, who would you choose to be with you (aside from your family)?” Elinor gave a controversial answer, and it was an emotional choice for her. Let it be known that Jun will try to talk Elinor to reconsider her answer. ;->
“If you could go back in time to when you were 12 years old, what advice would you give yourself?” was the last topic, which Ed volunteered to answer. Sharing his personal experiences, Ed’s advice to his 12-year old self would be “Hang on. You’ll go through a lot of ups and downs in your life, but you’ll survive these”.
The evaluation portion was ably handled by our GE, ATM-G Jef Menguin, mentor of Tops TMC, and current Area 2 Governor. Table Topics evaluator was BNT mentor, DTM Katrina “JJ” Letargo. JJ’s evaluation for each speaker was complete. She not only told the speakers what they did right, but also gave concrete suggestions and examples on what they could do to make their speeches more effective.
It was another meeting of powerhouse speakers, and the first prepared speaker was Boom San Agustin, who chose his full name (Enrique Salvador Eliazar San Agustin) as the title of his Icebreaker Speech. Boom, although not a new TM, chose to deliver an Icebreaker speech as he wanted BNT members to know him better. And after hearing his speech, we learned of how he takes pride in his name, and a host of other things. Doing double duty, Boom’s evaluator was none other than DTM JJ Letargo.
The second speaker, delivering Basic Speech 2 was another TM newbie, Sushil Shriwastwa. Sushil’s speech was titled, “Death Penalty “ and content wise, his speech was complete as he touched on the controversies surrounding capital punishment and how this violates the sanctity of life. Sushil’s speech was evaluated by BNT President, ACB Ed Ebreo.
We’re looking forward to hearing more speeches from both Boom and Sushil. Future contestants are in our midst. :)
The last prepared speech was the graduation speech of TM Gege Sugue. Gege is currently BNT’s VP for Membership and Area 16 Governor. Gege’s speech, titled “Triple X of Success”, referred to the Express Express program launched for this term to encourage and inspire BNT members to deliver their speeches. It is a point reward system that divides the club into 3 competing teams to unite us in our goal of achieving eXcellence and providing eXponential returns on our Toastmasters investment.
The Triple X of Success stands for:
X – 10 speeches to be delivered in 12 months
X – eXcellence is still the goal. Meet manual objectives and deliver the best you can
X – eXceed eXpectations. President’s Distinguished Club is just the minimum standard.
Express Express Points will be given for the following :
Attend - 5 points per meeting
Bring a guest - 5 points per guest
New Member sign up - 10 points per new member
Deliver a speech - 10 points
Complete a Manual - 30 points
Earn a Norm - 50 points
Gege also gave out bandannas to all the club members to signify their team assignments. Members of Team 1 got purple bandannas, Team 2 members received orange bandannas, while Team 3 received black bandannas.
It being a graduation speech, we tried something new and assigned 3 evaluators to evaluate Gege’s speech. CC/CL Sheila dela Cruz focused on Delivery, TM Ana Marie Herrera (of Diamond TMC) focused on the Organization, while ATM-G Jef Menguin (of Tops TMC) focused on Content. Gege successfully attained the objectives of Speech #10, and this makes her the 1st CC of BNT for the term. Congratulations, Gege!
The team of evaluators who joined Jef were the following:
Language Evaluator – TM Ferdie Bondoy
Timekeeper – TM Mars Sy (who should already be given the norm ATM-G or Advanced TIMER Gold) ;->
Ah Counter – TM Joel Guevarra
Aside from Jef Menguin and Ana Marie Herrera, our guests for that night’s meeting were former members and SOON-to-be RENEWING members (sorry, I can’t stress this enough! :D ), Ferdie Bondoy and Celmer Santos. ;-> Another highlight of the meeting was Jef announcing that he would join BNT as a member come October. Jef, no backing out now! We have it in writing! Hahahah! :D
Also, since this meeting marked the formal launch of EXPRESS EXPRESS, here are the current team standings:
Team 1
Attendance: 5 members x 5 pts. = 25 points
Team 2
Attendance: 4 members x 5 pts. = 20 points
2 speakers (Gege & Boom) = 20 points
1 achieved a norm (Gege) = 50 points
90 points
Team 3
Attendance: 4 members x 5 pts. = 20 points
1 speaker (Sushil) = 10 points
30 points
It was another eXhilarating, eXciting, eXploration of eXcellence at BNT! Guests are invited to eXperience an eXtraordinary eXplosion of Learning and Fun possibilities at BUTTERNTOAST!!!
See you all neXt meeting, 23 August 2007!
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