Want to be a Toastie?

It's great that you're interested in joining our group.

Our club, Butter N Toast Toastmasters Club started out as a club for HR practitioners. But through the years, we have attracted members from different industries and fields.

We encourage you to attend a meeting to better appreciate what our club is all about. 

Here's information about Toastmasters and our club, Butter N Toast. Toastmasters Club.

First off, Butter ‘N Toast is one of 10,000+ Toastmasters clubs around the world, all sharing the common mission of helping people to become better and more confident communicators and leaders.  

As we like to say, Butter ‘N Toast is THE club where fun and learning collide! 

Butter ‘N Toast started off as an e-group, and was officially chartered May 26, 2005, about 9 months after our e-group was born. To find out more about our group, just feel free to browse this blog.

Though Butter ‘N Toast started off primarily as an HR e-group, our club now boasts of more than 30 members, coming not just from HR, but from different areas such as Training, Sales, Admin., Finance, and IT. A number of members are also entrepreneurs and MA/MBA students. We have a reputation for being a fun, warm, and wacky club. 

Our club meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Meeting starts at7:00 p.m.  Our meetings are held at the 8th Floor, 6750 Building, Ayala Ave. . We officially start at 7PM, but you can come in at 6:30 to chat with the members and officers. We serve free snacks so you can come straight to the meeting from work.

The initial payment is 4,000.00 if you join in March or September. For other months, it varies. When you become a member you pay a regular semestral dues of 3,000.00 every six months.

As a new member, you will receive a kit containing a basic speech manual, a leadership manual, and manuals on gestures, vocal variety and how to evaluate.  The basic Communication and Leadership manuals contain 10 projects each aimed at improving your communication and leadership skills, respectively. When you finish the basic communication manual, you will be sent two more project manuals of your choice to further enhance your skills as a Toastmaster. You will also be assigned a mentor who will assist you in your Toastmasters journey.

Becoming a "Toastie" means joining a community of learning where you get both benefits and responsibilities of being a Toastmaster.  This means that you can only get the benefits of your membership if you actively participate in the community by investing your time and effort in developing yourself and helping develop others. You are expected to attend club meetings, take on meeting roles, deliver speeches and also take up a responsibility as an officer of the club; all these activities are aimed at helping you develop the skills you need. Here at Butter ‘N Toast, we learn by doing.

We hope to see soon! 


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