Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Toastmasters Think Win/Win

by Gege Sugue

So far, in our series of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we have talked about 3 habits:
  1.  Be Proactive.
  2. Begin with the End in Mind.
  3. Put First Things First.

All the above are focused on bringing about PERSONAL VICTORY. Toastmasters have chosen to become and to remain Toastmasters, to remain active in leadership goals, and to deliver speech after speech after speech, because they believe that their life and career goals can be achieved through better communication and leadership. They take a proactive view in self-development, and they set goals to mark their progress.  

With the fourth habit, we move into interdependence. The goal is PUBLIC VICTORY.

Habit # 4 is to Think Win/Win.

Thinking Win/Win according to Stephen Covey is:

“a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win/Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying. With a Win/Win solution, all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan.”

A really good example of a Win/Win interplay is how each club works towards its DCP goals. Every term, we try to achieve 10 goals that would ensure that our clubs are enabling individuals to grow and achieve.

Every club has a set of officers who seek to accomplish all 10 goals. These officers know how challenging that can be. It’s not like they could rely on just themselves to deliver those goals. They need the cooperation of every member. So they work together to ensure that the following are in place:
·         fun and quality meetings
·         a good mentorship program
·         active and effective recruitment and renewal activities
·         individual members delivering speeches towards their goals
·         recognition and motivation interventions

And they do this through motivation, communication, diligence, and creativity.

Every member who advances a norm towards the 10 goals becomes a generous contributor to the club’s success. But that contribution is rewarded by mentoring, motivation, appreciation, learning by doing, a sense of achievement, and the great feeling of being valued by others and adding value to others. All these lead to higher self-esteem and stronger skills.

That is Win/Win. Isn’t it great that you’re part of a Win/Win organization?

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