Friday, October 31, 2008

Get the Most of BNT - Get Mentored, Be a Mentor

Most new members join Toastmasters to work out problems related to public speaking. Research has shown that a majority of these men and women equate the self-improvement they seek from Toastmasters with career advancement or professional development. Mentoring is a program that aims to guide these new members by providing them support in reaching their goals. Mentors can give practical advice and psychic motivation. At Butter N Toast, the mentoring program is key to our goal of lifelong learning.

To know who's mentoring who, visit this page.

To get the most out of the mentoring program, please take note of your responsibilities:

1. Work with your protégés on a development plan, like when do they plan to finish their basic speech projects and draw a strategy and schedule on how to get there.
2. Encourage, motivate, help, cheer (force, coerce, threaten, harass) your protégés to deliver their speech projects as planned.
3. Help the protégés with their speech projects in terms of choosing topics, working with them on their delivery notes or rehearse with them if time permits.
4. Help your protégés take on more difficult roles like TM of the PM, Table Topics Master, Evaluation.
5. Build a good tandem with your protégés.
Doing these will help you as much it will help them.


1. Have a personal development plan and discuss it with your mentor. Know your improvement areas and communicate this as well. This will help both of you focus on what you need to work on for you to "Get the Most Out of ButterNToast.”
2. Deliver your speeches as planned. Have your mentor work with you on your speeches so that you are properly guided.
3. Call or go to your mentor if you need help with roles assigned to you or any questions you have that are TM-related.
4. Please know that you are the one who needs help; don't make it difficult for your mentor to reach and help you. Respond to email, calls, and text messages. If you are not hearing from them, call them and remind them of their responsibility to help you.

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