Friday, February 12, 2010

BNT Braces for More Achievements

BNT braces for what promises to be another blockbuster year. To date, the club has already earned 5 out of 10 Distinguised Club Program (DCP)goals. From the looks of it, the club is now en route to earning the President's Distinguished Club Award four years in a row, a feat not easy to beat.

Last December 2009, one of its members, Jazz Encarnacion, gained her Distinguished ToastMasters (DTM) norm, which is the highest norm anyone can possibly attain at Toastmasters. Including Division B Governor JJ Letargo, the club now boasts of two DTMs.

Only last meeting, Russel Roxas completed her graduation speech, earning for her the Competent Communicator norm she rightfully deserves. Shel also brought honor to the club when she emerged as the champion in the hotly-contested Area 16 Rookie Contest for Table Topics last December 5.

There has been a steadily growing influx of guests and new members since the club started. Just tonight, three new members signed up. Guests continue to pour in, meeting after meeting, and this only confirms the club's reputation as a favorite destination for those who are looking for a Toastmasters club where fun and learning collide.

However, every achievement poses a new challenge. Having more recruits makes scheduling of speakers even more challenging. More members require more mentors. More laurels create more pressure to stay on top. Good problems, if you ask us though. And any way you look at it, the future augurs well for BNT!

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