Monday, May 04, 2009

Be Part of Butter N Toast Toastmasters Club's Growth

BNT Toastmasters Club has experienced astounding growth in membership this term. From less than 20, we grew up to more than 30. At some point we had to slow down our marketing campaigns to manage the droves of people wanting to have a piece of the Butter N Toast Action. At this point the total number of paid members is 24 while we are waiting for 6 other members to update their payment. The big BNT family is giving us diversity and a rich source of talents, wisdom, fun, and friendship. This means that with BNT’s growth, we are not only growing in size, we are also growing in experience.

Now, how can we, maximize our contribution to the club’s growth? Our success is not only measured by our membership size. It is measured by our ability to accomplish our club goals. Every term, we pursue a set of Distinguished Club Program goals.

We need to have four members graduate to Competent Communicator Norm. We need 2 to move up to the next Advanced Communicator Norm. We need at least 2 people to achieve a Competent or Advanced leader Norm. We also need to get 8 additional new members, have our new set of officers trained and submit our reports on time. These might sound all uninteresting to a new member but believe us when we tell you that the journey towards the achievement of these goals are what make us well rounded Toastmasters. These goals are no joke and can only be achieved through teamwork. The measure of our ability to lead and work together as a team can be measured by everyone’s ability to advance in one’s Toastmasters’ projects, play leadership roles, invite members and fulfil their Toastmasters Obligation. We’ve achieved our 10 f 10 goals two years in a row, and we don’t plan to stop.

As a member of BNT, you are part of this commitment but only you can make it your own.

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