Friday, August 24, 2007

August 23 - Minutes of the Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7PM. TM of the Evening was BNT newbie, TM Boom San Agustin. Boom is another new member who joined BNT last June, after attending just one meeting! Boom also happens to be a member of the Pilipino TMC in Bahrain. Last August 15, Boom has officially registered to represent BNT at the Quartethlon! So for the night’s meeting, Boom took on multiple roles as TM of the PM, Table Topics participant, plus, he delivered his speech #2 from the basic manual, and also took on the role of individual evaluator! Whew! Goes to show that at BNT, training for Quartethlon is something we take seriously. ;-> Way to go, Boom!

The Table Topics session was ably led by another newbie, Ellen Garcia. Since the theme for the meeting was on mentorship, Ellen’s take was to focus her questions on Leadership. And since Ellen mentioned that leadership is like a game, she used playing cards as props, and her hosting was ala Kris Aquino’s “Deal or no Deal”. And of course, as expected, the willing participants to the table topics session were all for “Deal!” The question Ellen asked was the same for all participants, “What do you think are this person’s leadership qualities? And how does he/she inspire you?”

Table Topics participants were first-time guest Sohail Hasnie, CC (from Executive TMC), TM Boom San Agustin, and TM Jun Roy. Each participant randomly picked playing cards in which names of different leaders were written down. Sohail picked Superman, Boom got Mike Velarde, and Jun got Cory Aquino. All speakers showed confidence speaking in front, and this was pointed out during the evaluation portion by Table Topics evaluator, ATM-B Edwin Ebreo.

For the prepared speeches, it was another full-packed evening with 5 speakers, namely Joel Guevarra, Tisha Timbang, Mars Sy, and Boom San Agustin. Alvin Tan also delivered an advanced speech from the Leadership Series entitled “How to invite new members”.
Individual evaluators were Gege Sugue (CC), TM Boom San Agustin, and ATM-B Ed Ebreo, respectively. Everyone was tasked to evaluate Boom’s “7 Candles” speech to help him in his preparation for the Quartethlon.

Joel’s icebreaker speech was entitled, “Mother knows Best” and he related how his mother’s influence has helped him in different aspects of his life. It was an inspiring and touching story, and he received a standing ovation from the group after his delivery.

Tisha’s speech #5 was entitled “Connect to Engage”, and related how people like Oprah Winfrey and Bono (U2’s singer) use their popularity to reach out and make a difference in people’s lives.

Mar’s speech #8 was entitled “Swoosh! Swoosh! Goes Chef ala Mar”. Mar treated us to a culinary experience, not just with his speech but with a taste of his special leche flan as well! It was a great speech greeted with hearty applause. And the evaluator, Ed Ebreo, started his evaluation with the statement, “I love your leche flan”. :)

Boom’s speech for the Quartethlon was entitled “7 Candles”, and related how in the worst of times, Boom’s family pulled through for him. The 7 candles represent the 7 family members who came together, and who like candles, lit the way and gave hope to Boom. It was a heart wrenching, heart breaking and inspiring story, which had the makings of a real speech winner.

Alvin’s advanced speech was on how to invite new members. There was a lot of interaction between the group, and Alvin focused on how generally, people want to improve, thus making them “willing victims” to joining Toastmasters. ;->

The evaluation portion was ably handled by our GE, ATM-B Ed Fabonan. This was Ed’s first time as GE at BNT, and his comical evaluations were right on target. He also brought his Indian friend’s special brand of wisdom, sharing with us such nuggets as “Always be brief no matter how long it takes”. ;-> Ed commented on the quick-witted members of BNT, the easy banter, and the informal and fun culture of the club.

The team of evaluators who joined Ed were the following:
Language Evaluator – Sheila dela Cruz, CC, CL
Timekeeper – TM Judith Jarabelo
Ah Counter – TM Ferdie Bondoy

As for EXPRESS EXPRESS, the points garnered for this meeting are as follows:

Team 1
Attendance: 4 members x 5 pts. = 20 points
2 speakers (Tisha & Mars) = 20 points
40 points

Team 2
Attendance: 4 members x 5 pts. = 20 points
1 speaker (Boom) = 10 points
30 points

Team 3
Attendance: 3 members x 5 pts. = 15 points
2 speakers (Joel and Alvin) = 20 points
35 points

Current Team standings:
Team 1 – 65 points
Team 2 – 120 points
Team 3 – 65 points

It was another eXhilarating, eXciting, eXploration of eXcellence at BNT! Guests are invited to eXperience an eXtraordinary eXplosion of Learning and Fun possibilities at BUTTERNTOAST! And the GEM for the night was the statement, “BUTTERNTOAST is the club where fun and learning collide”! :D

See you all neXt meeting, 13 September 2007!

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